Monday, March 15, 2010

20 Year Wedding Anniversary

Twenty Years ago, Mike & I were sealed as a couple in the Salt Lake LDS temple. It was my first time in the Salt Lake Temple. The Salt Lake Temple is so beautiful and filled with such a rich history as well as beautiful architechture. That day in 1990 was very cold overcast and snow was covering much of the ground. Although the weather wasn't what I would have liked, I was happy to be getting married in the "House of the Lord" I was fortunate to have both of my parents, my grandma Beardall, my husbands mother & father, as well as some of my siblings and other family & friends. A lot has changed over the past twenty years in my family. I first said good-bye to my grandmother only two months later, my husbands parents divorced that same year, my brother Kerry got married, then my father passed away two years later, severe health problems for my mother for almost 18yrs, we bought our first home 15yrs ago, my brother Andre passed away suddenly nine years ago, I had almost eight years of infertility, we were blessed with three wonderful children. Those are just a few of the big events over the past twenty years. It would probably take over twenty pages to write a summary about each of those years. Today our family is changing in many ways. Mike is more than half way through college working towards a Bachelor degree in Science. (Me) Djinni is getting ready to go to college in the Fall. Lauren is excelling in school and getting ready to go to Junior High School later this year. Brianna is doing well in school and becoming an exceptional artist, Isaac is growing up and becoming more independant and reading way above grade level.

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